1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Ancestral File (R). Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998.
2. The Heritage of Ashe County North Carolina Volume I, 1984. Ashe County Heritage Book Committee. Captain John Cox family. Pages 204-5.
3. Ibid. James and Morris Baker families. Pages 123-4.
4. Ibid. James and Morris Baker families. Pages 123-4.
5. Ibid. James and Morris Baker families. Pages 123-4.
6. Ashe County Heritage Volume II. Ashe County Historical Society. 1994. Herman Doyle (Jack) Cox: His Ancestors. Pages 107-8.
7. Ibid. Herman Doyle (Jack) Cox: His Ancestors. Pages 107-8.

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