Colo, Story County, Iowa
1924 Directory

This database is temporarily off line. Click Here to Search for any Surnames included in all of the Story County databases, including this one. If you locate a surname for this database for which you need more information, contact Mark Christian for a lookup. Please be specific about the surname and the database for which you are requesting the lookup.

In May of 1924 the Sociology Class of Colo Consolidated School published the "Colo Community Directory." Among other things, the directory contained all of the families of Colo living in the town and in the surrounding countryside. This information included:

While families appear together, they were not specifically identified as families. However, by looking at the sequence in which the individuals were recorded one can usually determine who belonged in which family.

The results of the searches presented here maintain the original sequence. A number was assigned to each individual in sequence and is displayed in the results.

While this material was published after 1922, my assessment is that it is in the public domain. Should anyone have evidence to the contrary please contact me. The index to the material is copyrighted by me.

Please E-Mail Mark Christian with your questions, comments, or suggestions.

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